Friday, July 02, 2010

The portakabin law

Here's a new Law of building works: as soon as Portakabins are deployed, works will take at leat double the time.

Here's the rationale: why indeed would builders move out when they're so well accomodated on a site?

And there are the proofpoint:
  • the North Sheen recreation grounds, 4 portakabin, well over 9 months into building a new pavillion
  • the Barnes railway bridge refurb, 6? Portakabins and the towpath blocked on the southside for over 6 months
  • the Kew embankments works, 3 portakabins and over 9 months into it
  • the Lower Richmond rd pavement works, 2 portakabins since 3 months and not much visible work done

If you're laughinhg, just think it's all your taxpayers money that is spent on overruns and metal containers, with kettles and tv to watch the footie during tea breaks...

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