Friday, May 02, 2008

And yet another broken promise by DfT and BAA...

This morning the RTT ran another story on the continued lies and broken promises by the infamous Department of Transport, BAA and BA ménage a trois:
Secret Heathrow plan to reduce air quality (Richmond and Twickenham Times)

"The Government wants to sacrifice air quality across London to allow an
extra 60,000 flights a year into Heathrow, according to reports.

Just in case the 2 millions living around the area did not already felt conned...

I've already blogged many times on Heathrow, a "dump" according to American Airlines' Head of Customer Services (Europe) Don Langford:
Is Heathrow really out of capacity?
More on Heathrow
Is sustainability sacrificed on the Heathrow altar?
Transported logic

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