Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Richmond is strangely devoid of good fishmongers. The Manor Circus Sainsbury is simply abysmal (not fresh, incompetent staff, unchanged assortment) although the Twickenham Tesco is somewhat better (but don't go there on rugby matches days).

Johanna reminded me of two fishmongers closeby and gave a nice earth and sea recipe:
thepassionatecook: Pan-fried scallops on herbed lentils

Here are the fishmongers then:

Jarvis in Kingston: 56 Coombe Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey KT2 7AF (not far from Kingston hospital), 020 8296 0139
Opening Hours
: 7am - 4pm (Tue - Sat)

Sandy's in Twickenham: 56 King Street, Twickenham, 020 8892 5788. The Food Observer said: "Sandy's is proud of its British suppliers and keen to promote its good fishing practices. Don't miss the line-caught mackerel and day-boat North Sea cod."

There's a good one in Barnes too, here's what Thisislondon says:
In March 2006, the Fabray family took over the fishmonger's on Barnes High Street and renamed it the Barnes Fish Shop. The French sardines are good (£5.50 per kg), and there are plentiful fat Norwegian herrings (£4 per kg). For a change of pace try the squid (£11 per kg). Barnes Fish Shop, 18 Barnes High Street, SW13 (020 8876 1297).

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