Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Garden road redevelopment

It is quite fascinating how a council such as Richmond can behave. Residents between Chalkers Corners and Manor Circus have recently been addressed a letter by a developper suggesting the area close to Garden Road will be redevelopped for industrial use and possibly waster processing.
I must add that the tone of the letter was deliberately alarming.

This area behind Richmond fire station is currently home to a dairy plant, some warehouses and a removals company.

The letter was good though because it drew residents to a meeting which otherwise would have gone un-noticed. Sneaky politics?

After the brouhaha, the council sent us a letter saying the redeveloppment won't be for heavy waste management....

Here are my questions to them, what do you think?

Dear Sirs,

  • Having received your letter dated 17/8/07, about the redevelopment of the are between Market road and Orchard road. I hereby would like to share my comments:

    1. Type of business
    You imply the new development will be business or light industries. There are already un-occupied office premises on Lower Richmond road so it seems the area is not short of office space.
    What is the rationale of Richmond Council to encourage light-industries as opposed to housing?

    2. Parking
    The area is already quite stretched in terms of parking space, in particular we are concerned by the office block at the corner between Clifford avenue and Lower Richmond road not having provision for parking spaces. Will the council add the provision of decent parking space for this redevelopment?

    3. Green spaces
    The local development plan mentions the area has not enough green open spaces. We would like to have your comments on how this redevelopment is going to address this.

    4. Safety
    As opposed to housing which is occupied 24/7, light industrial premises are vacant at nights and week-ends.
    Is the council going to provision extra police forces to make sure that this redevelopment is going to stay safe?



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